Yap converts voicemails into text which is a trick I’ve always loved because I find it easier to read than listen to voicemails (especially during meetings). The app
There’s been some noise about how MS should waive the $99 Marketplace fee. OK, done. If you’re a developer and you sign up for Microsoft Platform Ready program
I don’t think I need to justify why Krashlander gets me so excited. It’s got everything that makes Angry Birds addictive with more of an arcade/hands on feel
Nasdaq is reporting “ T-Mobile USA will sell a device made by Taiwan-based HTC Corp., a person familiar with the plans said. T-Mobile USA may sell a more
CNet was given access to more war rooms and interviews regarding Windows Phone 7 and have some interesting new details that are here. Here are some quotes to
Developers have been asking when they can submit apps to the Marketplace for WP7. MS is taking a unique approach here and setting up triages. Oct 4: All
The streaming music app Spotify is not available for Windows Mobile 6.x (in the past there were third party clients but nothing official) and it’s also been announced