Samsung the old established and BlackBerry the new upstart. My how things have changed form a decade ago. Last night’s Super Bowl featured commercials by both the well
Surely security moving forward in this ever encompassing mobile tech-friendly society is important. I’d go as far as saying its universally important. I mean, who wants to be
We’ve started a new weekly series App Effect to promote awesome apps and games that our staff of writers and editors use in our personal lives and also
The unfortunate part of a growing and maturing app ecosystem is that the awesome apps and games that arrive at launch gets forgotten and overshadowed. This new
Verizon has managed to secure an exclusive on BlackBerry’s upcoming Z10 device. It’ll be interesting to see what they does for Z10 sales on the carrier and
We’ve lost count of how many times people have done OS comparisons and propped up Google Now and Siri compared to Windows Phone’s voice service. Yet I’ve