Again this morning. I took a photo, cropped it, shared it with Facebook, added a one paragraph comment and clicked “post”. Then the message. Some shit like,
I read the news today, oh boy; about a lucky school that scored an A-list top-shelf high-caliber commencement speaker, Dr. Condoleezza Rice. A real catch, that lady. A
What’s wrong with this picture of my WordPress v3.8.2 wp-includes/functions.php in which image and video types are defined? click to make it big — ahh, don’t bother, who
“Only downside to the Lumia 1020 is carrying around 41 megapixels in your pocket makes everything else in your pants seem small.” This comes from Matt Anderson
If you pirate bootleg torrent borrow movies or every House of Cards episode in 1080p and beam it directly to your Chromecast-equipped TV using either your computer or
Recently we received an email from inviting us to share their article “Most Popular Social Media Sites Review: Why Women Are The Real Power Behind The Huge
Recently we received an email from inviting us to share their article “Most Popular Social Media Sites Review: Why Women Are The Real Power Behind The Huge