After reading the blog post from Microsoft about the new Music Search that was coming in Mango (and Xbox) I was pretty excited. In fact, I surmised that
This whole frenzy over a $100 tablet is really a lesson for the whole industry and don’t think that Google (plus Motorola) aren’t watching this and plotting their
If you’re reading this it is a safe bet that you know about Brandon Watson’s terrific Windows Phone challenge where he gets Windows Phone Mango into the hands
Did you read the Bug Village press release Kris just posted on carefully? “Bug Village is the first third party freemium title on WP7 to leverage in-app purchasing.”
The extraordinarily successful developer Elbert Perez is back for another sure to be blockbuster. This one is a jet fighter game and like all of his games, it’s
Justin Angel is doing an experiment of sorts. He’s downloaded every app from the Windows Phone Marketplace? Why? Well looks like he’s going to tear into them and
If I see one more person carrying around an iPad like it’s a business device… Look nothing against the product. It’s slim, turns on immediately, has great battery
We’ve long surmised that WebOS’s days were limited but little did we realize how limited they were. From the press release: HP reported that it plans to announce
Microsoft is rolling out a Google Latitude-type competitor and the first app is for Windows Phones (for once). We’re In let’s you share your location with a set