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MetroTwit for Windows 8/RT Passes 100,000 Downloads


Well that didn’t take long. Nice to see a number with 5 zeros after struggling with 3 and 4 zero numbers from the WP Marketplace these past two years. And that’s not all. ARMED!, a Windows Phone game passed 200,000 downloads as of October 30th, a mere five days after Windows 8 & Windows 8 RT was launched. Calc4Win, another app that I have downloaded, also has seen 80,000 downloads since launch.

With millions of new Windows 8 users coming online every day, the potential for growth is unprecedented. And if the big players don’t see that through their iBlinders, then I don’t know what to say. Sure, these are all FREE, but apps like ArcSoft ShowBiz, YouTube RT and Clever Photo are all beginning to draw attention. A Game, Twitter or Productivity app for 0.99 that hits the right nerve will turn into some serious earning opportunity in no time. How can anyone “not” realize the potential.


Article originally appeared at Microsoft News