Miss WinMo?
|Congrats WP7ers, by official estimates you now outnumbering your WinMo counterparts. It also appears, more importantly, that WinMo is finally going in reverse with an existing and an accelerating rate of attrition for this month thus far. In other words, WinMo’s being phased out finally as the WP7 base increases – not as fast as it used to like during the launch and a second bump when a bunch of Nokia employees found out they’d better start fiddling with a Focus, but it’s increasing with a smart phone daily active Facebook user share of a solid 0.48% which if history repeats itself will, as sure as you were born, hit 0.49%.
Normally I don’t do this because unlike you guys I’m not obsessed with the other guys’ thing but I pulled up WP7’s Wikipedia page to check out how its acclaimed updating system has been being put to use and because that section was so short I overscrolled into a more intriguing one, Features removed from Windows Mobile. As I read through it I thought a few things: “Damn, that’s a lot of stuff – wait really, that too? Oh yeah, I remember writing about that, etc” and then “You know what, I bet the WP7 crowd has completely forgotten about all of this and is quite happy without these features for the most part, but just to be sure I ought to run it by them. What, I’m curious.”
If you don’t mind indulging me, am I right that most of you WP7 users are doing A-okay, in spite of alarmist blogging about the matter as we first caught wind of these things being taken away from us (yes us, I was winmo) without the likes of the following which by the way doesn’t include some very key things like the ability to sideload? Here’s the section. I guarantee to myself that, while a few may admit that you miss this or that, not one of you will wish you hadn’t gone forward due to any of the following because WP7 and the devices on which it rides, the Focus in particular, it’s just that damn good and if I knew what were good for me I’d try it or at least watch some youtube clips. Am I right? Pay no mind to the pictures.
Features removed from Windows Mobile
Windows Phone 7 lacks some features that were found in earlier versions of Windows Mobile. Among the features that have been confirmed to arrive in the near-future include cut, copy, and paste, full multitasking for 3rd party apps, and Adobe Flash. Windows Phone 7 supports upgradable storage via an SD Card; however SD card memory is merged with the phone’s internal storage, and changing the SD card causes the phone to reset to factory settings. Windows Phone 7 does not support connecting to Wi-Fi (wireless) access points which are hidden[73] or have a static IP address, tethering to a computer (although it can be done via a hack on the Samsung Focus), video calling, VoIP calling, USB mass-storage, universal email inbox, universal search, a system-wide file manager, Bluetooth file transfers, USSD messages, or custom ringtones.
Windows Phone 7 devices only support syncing with Exchange ActiveSync over the network. There is no support for syncing with Exchange ActiveSync using a cable or cradle.
In the enterprise, Windows Phone 7 does not support Office documents with security permissions, IPsec security, on-device encryption, strong passwords, or internet sockets. While the older Windows Mobile phones supported the full range of Microsoft Exchange Server policies, Windows Phone 7 only supports a small subset of Exchange features. The Calendar app no longer has a ‘Weekly’ view. The list of past phone calls is now a single list, and cannot be separated into inbound, outbound or missed calls.
Not to change the subject or use some sort of a snide tone with you but I got twenty bucks that says I’ll see bikinis in Central Park again before you see your any-minute-now WP7 mega copy paste update. Any takers?
Yes, the pics or it didn’t happen rule applies.
Doug Simmons
Your not all about bashing, but you just couldn’t resist right? The Nokia announcment must really be eating at your craw lately.
Yeah I couldn’t. It’s been a while, you know? I don’t know what to make of the Nokia thing other than I wish they and RIM could have become friends … I’ve been doing an okay job keeping this to a minimum. Not great but okay.
I guess writing about Android, Google and that little BS Focus S doesn’t get you any comments.
But, to answer your question, no I don’t.
I don’t. Usability > Ton of features that may or may not work. If I’d really miss Windows Mobile, I’d buy an Android handset. It’s basically like WM, just touch friendly.
Focus S? That’s good.
Just if you would, remind me which came first, the Galaxy S phones or the Focus. You know what, don’t bother, we both think we know which phone between the Nexus S and Focus has better whatever.
Focus S… that’s good.
freeway: Is WP7 basically like any other platform pretty much?
Speaking of comments and writing about Android yss, if you’re ever in the neighborhood check out wmpoweruser, a Windows-centric website you may be rather familiar with, and see how many pages you have to flip back in time to find a thread that does not make multiple references to Android.
You’d think with their MIcrosoft-esque domain name they’d feel shielded from Android enough not to go on and on about it, to write articles about things they wouldn’t otherwise give a shit about (netflix) just because they can tie it into Android. Android Android. Or Google. Generally not iPhone. Why is that? If Android’s all the things they say it is, why hasn’t it gone away long ago and if WinMo was or if WP7 is all they crack it up to be relative to Android… because it’s free? Well, at least you’ve got each other. And in your case, me too almost without fail.
Used to use WM 6.5/6.1, and several versions of Android. Android is just WM on steroids, with better hardware. Both not user friendly –would hate to support non-technical users.
For general phone usage and Internet browseing, email, Facebook, maps, etc, WP7 blows away WM 6.X and any version of Android. My wife got one and loves it, too. Just faster and easier to user. Similar to iPhone, but a touch better in ease of use.
The few things I miss, aren’t mission critical, and will be released sometime in 2011. I expect the 1st update in March or April, since we are only waiting for the carriers to get their act together.
I find using the Focus usb tether for my netbook to be a much better vpn access experience to my business network than any access directly from my phone..
You forgot to mention no VPN or Remote Desktop…that has held me back from getting a WinPho7.
Thanks Richard, that was substantive.
I’m not disagreeing with you that WP7 is in any way technically deficient, but I am curious to what do you attribute every possible indication that it’s a flop if you aren’t already willing to call it a flop? Got a product that makes a guy like you (plus the Missus) who’s tried everything and appears to know what he’s talking about, and many others I’ve encountered, sing the thing’s praises yet no one’s buying it, just enough to fill up some niche websites.
Released too late in the game? Launch and continued promotional failures? Microsoft just not a hip enough brand? Ballmer in general? Failure to sufficiently rally up OEMs and carriers?
I’d like to think at one of those things with great amplification or a bit of all of them would not be enough to keep a high caliber if not superior product from lifting off. So either I can’t think that, which would be depressing — shouldn’t the best man, not the man with the best timing, win? — or there’s something I’m missing.
Maybe between Blackberries, Androids and iPhones and now tablets too from all three, consumers heads’ are simply full, or that impression is being projected onto them by people involved with deciding what to sell that others make.
Brian: Do you mean not only do you not get VPN and RDP out of the box with this but you can’t install it with some app? I’ve got multiple VPN and RDP apps right in front of me.
What’s with all the removal of features? Did they think this thing would be so huge that they ought to spoonfeed tactfully new features like hidden ssid support and VPN every eight months or so to get people to buy new phones? What other reason could there be? Make people appreciate the direct centralized updating thing?
Why are you bringing up wmpoweruser?
Why can’t you accept Richard’s answer? It wasn’t anything for you to agree or disagree with. You asked a question, he answered, the end.
Normally I’d be with you a hundred percent that what I did right there was fucked up, but today I woke up and thought I’d experiment with the follow-up question and see what happens. I don’t know, I just wanted to push the envelope a bit with something never done, see if it gets more pageviews, clickthroughs and comments.
Richard and I might have a thing going here. What’s the problem?
I see that you’ve been taking some English lessons — keep it up.
@Doug Simmons: Keep it up and maybe you will grow some for use in the real world. Then, you can celebrate the holidays uninterrupted.
Could you please spell that one out for me?
@Doug Simmons:
Several reasons why WP7 is having a slow start:
1. Most early adopter dataphone users already have an iPhone or an Android one. Most of them have a two year contract to fulfill before changing.
2. Microsoft’s is not pushing WP7 enough– needs to have more agressive ad campaign. Needs to attract current non-dataphone users–where it really shines on ease of use.
3. It’s still fairly early yet in the release. There will be more users after the 1st update gets pushed out.
4. Microsoft is taking a long term view on this project. They don’t expect WP7 to really take off until Nokia is fully integrated. A slow stable, steady start is not a bad idea for a long term goal.
VPN is really needed for wireless hotspot connectivity security. I would expect it to be added sometime later in the year.
We know the Focus usb tethering with AT&T supports vpn–even GRE pass through works, so I’m sure it’s on the list. It seems MS is focusing on a smaller number of features for each release –more of an agile approach, than they used to. Much better for users; faster more stable releases.
@Doug Simmons:
Curios post. I have moved to WP7 from WM6.5 and kind of liking it. Tried Android as a dual boot on a ATT Tilt2. Maybe I didn’t give it long enough, though the OS did seem very complicated,. I am missing features of WM6-6.5 a bit. I am not missing the abused spouse, bipolar affect of working with winmo for almost for over 10yrs. I work with networks every day, I have tools other than my phone to make that happen. Kinda just wanted to have a nice phone with good display responsive and easy to use, so I chose the Samsung Focus and loving it better every day I use it.
There are apps that let you connect to your PC and control it. Its not remote desktop since it and VPN require sockets which are known to be coming shortly. So you can connect to a PC and do what you want…just need a desktop app that allows the incoming connection.
George it’s funny you should say bipolar affect when you meant effect because affect is a word commonly thrown around when sizing up the degree of sanity at a given time in a bipolar patient and that that and other such crazy disorders involving psychosis are known as affective .. ahh nevermind.
But segueing so smoothly from that straight into Steve Ballmer, Richard, regarding what you said…
This is what Microsoft has said:
Remember this?

WSJ interview, Oct 3rd:
“Job One here will be selling a lot of phones, and if we sell a lot of phones, good things are going to happen. The market’s still pretty nascent.”
Bloomberg Oct 11:
“Failure is not an option for him when it comes to Windows Phone 7.”
Ballmer obviously: “It’s a big launch for us, it’s a big big launch for us. This is great phone. Different, very different from anything on the market — [fist clap] boom.”
Nov 9th, David K:
US Windows Phone Launch: 40k Phones? (answer: probably less actually.. but hey, the long term)
Shareholder meeting Nov 18:
Windows Phone 7 was “off to a great start… It marks the beginning, we think, of a new era in smart phones. The response has been really fantastic.”
I realize you were using the present tense though, so hopefully they’ve got a firmer grip on whose funerals to pay for prematurely.
David K: There are apps that let you connect to your PC and sockets will come shortly apparently by having to connect to your PC, flashing the big updates like they were custom roms I understand. Whenever they roll out that is. No one’s taking my bet?
Again, would you kindly be more explicit? I’d like to know exactly what you meant with that.
Hey what happened with that quarterly report you guys mentioned a lot, something you looked forward to whose release or publishing was impending, where the real sales figures would finally be released to snuff out all this garbage all the nuts are contending?
I miss Bluetooth keyboard support, DRM sac file support, stream almost any media via windows media player, everything in the article, file upload, file download, ftp. omfg i want my ftp back. I miss copilot and other good GPS nav. Freaking third party access to the camera ahhhhhhhh I WANT LIVE VARCODE SCANNING.
I want my resistive touch screen back. It is so much more accurate, i miss real art programs, and good bank account apps.
Ohh my god i hate windows phone 7. I hate it I hate it years of windows mobile phones how can they do this too us . Damn them all to hell.
– 9 dictionary results
1 /v. əˈfɛkt; n. ˈæfɛkt/ Show Spelled[v. uh-fekt; n. af-ekt] Show IPA
–verb (used with object)
to act on; produce an effect or change in: Cold weather affected the crops.
to impress the mind or move the feelings of: The music affected him deeply.
(of pain, disease, etc.) to attack or lay hold of.
Psychology. feeling or emotion.
Psychiatry. an expressed or observed emotional response: Restricted, flat, or blunted affect may be a symptom of mental illness, especially schizophrenia.
Obsolete. affection; passion; sensation; inclination; inward disposition or feeling.
Doug, actually, I think that affect was close to the correct usage, as per #5, as it is my observation of an event. Digression excused. Still liking WP7 a lot. Still using WM6.5 on the job every day, Motorola MC75 as a data entry terminal, time clock, GPS leash and hating it every day. The effect of the affect is driving me crazy. Sorry to hijack post. Just having some fun.
Put down the crack pipe. Resistive touch is better? So is a bed of nails I guess.
@Doug Simmons
We all know MS sucks at marketing. They had minimal buy in from their “premier” launch carrier (iPhone was still in the front Window). If they can somehow hire a competent PR firm, they may still have a chance. But right now what I see happening is lack of device WOW. IPhone and Android either have new phones or new capabilities hitting the market every few months and they are being hyped in the press. MS clearly needed to get an update out already and imo if this Nokia thing hadn’t happened, interest in WP7 would be dropping faster that an iPhone on ATT in NYC.
I’ll decide what a digression and a hijacking is.
Having a bipolar affect, that doesn’t mean anything. It’s like saying it feels like a thermal temperature outside right now. Right now you have an affect, I’m guessing a euthymic one. Same here. Could be euthymic, could be blunted or labile. Could even be inappropriate (in the clinical sense) if, let’s say, your affect is irascible while in the middle of receiving feminine pleasure or elated at a funeral. Everyone’s got an affect, bipolars and schizoaffectives and seasonal affectives and battered wives and none of the above alike.
Now having said that, a major mood disorder with psychotic features such as bipolar one, a patient’s affect can indeed be thrown all over the map, the poles of the map specifically I guess, by something as stressful as a Windows Mobile experience, generally toward the north pole and when a patient’s in that area his affect can turn inappropriate, thinking things are quite divinely fine and dandy, when in fact he is in a cesspool of fail that is Windows Mobile.
tl;dr? I hear what you’re saying.