Nokia App Updates by Herg-A-Fied
Hello all you faithful followers.
I am here to let you know that version 2 is in the works. I have completed it and it is being certified as we speak. Before I go any further, I want to thank our very own RAM for helping me out.
As always, my app is COMPLETELY FREE and ZERO ADS!!!!
In the new Update Change logs:
I have redesigned the app from the App Studio Beta into C# Language.
I have included LIGHT and DARK THEME capability depending on your mood.
When you click on link, IE will not open, instead it goes directly to the store download.
I have added AppBar at the bottom of each page.
In AppBar, rate link goes directly to the rate app review, now able to share link, added e-mail link direct to me if any issues or letting me know about an app that needs adding, link to my other apps for download.
In the next update,
I am working on adding the capability of checking links for updates. It will be out soon so please be patient with me.
Here are some pictures from version 2 coming as soon as it gets certified by Microsoft.
V2 is posted and live