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Snapp Comes to Android and iOS

Snapp is a location based mobile app for Android and iOS but with a twist, it has indoor maps! You can use your device to map the inside of buildings automatically and check-in at your favorite spots from inside places like malls. Personally I don’t get the whole ‘checking in’ thing, I don’t want people tracking my whereabouts myself, but hey that’s just me…


The app showcases our revolutionary technology allowing the users’ devices to map the inside of buildings automatically and utilise the major social networking sites to check in accurately deep inside venues.
This globally used app is equipped with over one hundred indoor maps, including those of inside the busiest shopping malls in the US.
Never has it been this easy to stay in touch with family and friends.!-by-sensewhere/id561715874?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4

With snapp! you can

· Integrate with major social network sites including: facebook, twitter, fourquare, and friendswhere.

· Post pictures and messages from your location.

· Check-in anywhere with preferred network(s).

· Share your location and messages with friends and family anywhere: on the move, indoors, outdoors.

· Automatically check-in anywhere including to indoor venues;

· Configure settings for automatic check-in.

Our official website: