It’s hard for me to put this all together in my head, but after watching the BlackBerry PlayBook demo today, I’m actually thinking that it’s rather impressive. I
Now obviously we’re talking about the phone not the fruit because blackberries are quite possible the most awesome fruit of all time. Now I was a little surprised
So Apple’s doing pretty well, raking in $20b in their fourth fiscal quarter revenue, $4b after tax income. A little 5% slip in gross margin but who’s counting
Got FiOS? Got Android, Windows Mobile 6.5 or a Blackberry device? Well Verizon has released FiOS on Demand that lets you buy, rent and watch “Flex View” movies
MSNBC has one of those ‘tech myths debunked’ articles and there’s one that’s pretty interesting to me. It’s the link between the number of bars you see and