Hammacher Schlemmer certainly makes some interesting stuff, but from my experience it’s all over-priced and I’m not exactly sure it would be my first choice of places to
Now this is how you build the ultimate power in the universe! Construct the Federation Death Star! Combining Star Trek’s space station and Star Wars Death Star together
Some late breaking news for the end of the day. Belkin has just announced that they have acquired Linksys from Cisco. With the purchase of the Home Networking
Here’s some more CES news for you, this is from bēm wireless and it’s pretty much all Bluetooth audio related, with several different speakers. There’s one in particular
Cookoo’s Smartwatch is a nice fusion of a traditional analog and new school digital. But before you let your mind run wild with this, you should know smartwatch
Here’s something interesting I came across. The product is called the MEEM Memory cable and it can be used with pretty much every phone from Android and iOS,