Congratulations to developer Scott Peterson, as the i’m a wp7 app passed the 100,000 user mark sometime this morning. I know that for iPhone and Android users, news
I can never get enough of zombie games, they’re just so much fun usually! This new game is called Please Stay Calm and it’s massively multiplayer style game
Figuring that tomorrow is National 4S Day, decided to squeeze this one in tonight. It’s not that difficult to create custom ringtones for your Windows Phone, but for
This is the type of game that’s just perfect for touch screens I think, and now it’s on iOS devices! Scribblenauts Remix is available now on the appstore
Google’s chairman Dr. Schmidt is keynoting something. I haven’t listened to the full thing yet (it may be live) nor do I know what this conference is but so
It’s like a soap opera…Netflix has now announced that Qwikster (which was stupid from the start) is DOA. It’s all staying as Netflix. And to think that kid