There’s no shortage of inexpensive accessories out there, and one great source for them is Amazon. You can get cases and accessories for your phone for a one
Up for review today, we have a handy accessory your car. Snapped onto your air vent, this easily-adjustable mount will hold nearly any portable electronic device. The Bracketron
I thought I would write up a little home town news for anyone in the State of Mississippi and Louisiana. Verizon has just “announced today the completion of
Hola from Spain! Because of the time change, I’m getting tech news six hours ahead of EST and nine hours ahead of the epicenter of technology, San Francisco, of
Cool story ahead: Brandon Foy, a creative guy who loves his Windows Phone 7, created a short video promoting WP7. (video below). Microsoft did not ignore him, and
The native iPad app for Skype has finally been released. Making it’s debut at precisely midnight, it is a welcome replacement for the iPhone app – this is
Smartasses at the AntiQuant Psychometric Consulting Company up in dumbass Canada thought they’d have themselves a laugh and “conduct a study” pitting IQs of users of the various