Mango brings with it the ability to do augmented reality on Windows Phones since you can access the camera and the gyro and compass sensors. Jared Bienz of
So the other day Gil (guest dude and WP owner from mobilespoon) posts some platform market share stats, and this Bada thing, Samsung’s pet platform, has overtaken WP.
After Neowin reported pictures of what is believed to be AccuWeather’s Windows 8 tablet application I did something crazy. I read the comments and that lead to this link
The Platformance series has a following and now a second Platformance title is available for Windows phones. This is a popular platformer that has a relatively simple looing
Windows 8 is the mother of your future phone so start paying attention to it. In their latest release, Microsoft went through the speed at which the new
Looking for a reason to justify buying that HTC phone in your possession over the Samsung Focus or Omnia 7? Mango Roms are available right now for most
I’m sure you followed us yesterday and you know the AVG Security Suite is potentially just a method of collecting personal data. Well that’s what it was. It’s