I’m pulling another Assange on my fellow writers by publishing an ongoing email thread of theirs. This one ain’t bad, one of those end of the year predictions
A few months ago we previewed Fierce Game Hunting and it’s now available for Windows Phone. It’s a hunting game but they must have heard some people not
The official webOS app count hit 5,000 today. The Windows Phone 7 Marketplace is at 4870. The Windows Phone Marketplace averages 111 apps per day according to WP7Applist.
on this day I find it entirely appropriate to wish all the snitches a Merry Christmas. You know who you are with your leaks, exclusive access and blurry
Christmas arrived early. MyBookie was slated to be released tomorrow but the High Roller Edition ($2 but you get extra betting dollars to play with and it’s ad
If you’re hooked on Black Ops there’s now a Black Ops guide available for Windows Phone: Get ahead of the game by having key information on the weapons,