There has been a lot of changes around here since we merged Fuze Mobility and Tilt Mobility in with Mobility Digest. We are still very focused on staying
Roger Peters has provided some “pre-alpha” versions of Windows Phone 7 apps that he’s working on. Here’s Castaway – a game he notes is missing parts of the
Here’s another demo of Silverlight. This time it’s the game Minesweeper and the author notes “I used this game to teach myself silverlight and c#. Feel free to
The Official Microsoft Blog put together some sick numbers about the strength of Microsoft that really puts all of the different rivalries and hypes into perspective for what
Now this is probably not directed at the majority of our readership as our predisposition towards tweaks and tricks for modding out cell phones tends to be for the
I have this feeling that if they keep showing enough Windows Phone 7 demos we’ll find copy and paste:) Anyway, looking at the video we mentioned yesterday there’s