Down goes Motorola Mobility–Another big patent win for Microsoft over Android
|This is serious. Just read these Tweets from Foss Patents (who is trusted on patent matters). Reading from the bottom up makes the most sense.
This is serious. Just read these Tweets from Foss Patents (who is trusted on patent matters). Reading from the bottom up makes the most sense.
In the end Google needs to come out and license the patent from Microsoft. Stop being a big baby and racking up legal costs. Lets see how the now completed sale expediates the reaction by Google.
Well, now Moogle has to come to its kneews and make an understanding with Microsoft and let XBox shine. 🙂
About the 9m tweet, Google won over Oracle for your info.
Source :
Vak- I know about that and so does Foss:
It’s not as clear cut as most (myself included) would state it.