I’m sick of my Lumia 900. What should I get?
|It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten an upgrade. Obviously this is the case based on the title of this article. The 900 was a bumpy road of love, hate, frustration, and neither over nor under whelming of any sort. It was pervasively blah. The time for upgrades is now. The 6th of April to be precise. Being that we have a little bit of an announcement pending we’ll work with what we’ve got. A few ideas and some speculation. To help you guys out and so this also doesn’t devolve into a comment battle of OS preference and carrier bashing let me just lay out what I’ve been thinking about and hopefully your experience may help me.

First of all I’m on ATT for better or worse. There’s no changing that at the moment. I have an unlimited data plan and very functional LTE where I live. Let’s not screw with that balance. Second this is going to be a windows phone thing. I don’t really want an Android phone. I’ve always thought if WP tanked I’d be left with Android but let’s just say that it’s going to remain a back up OS in my mind. If any one of you say IOS, Apple, or Ianything then I will wish the most awkward and unbearable plagues upon you and your offspring. Now the contenders.
First up we have the sleek and sexy Lumia 925. With all the awesome of the 920, the best selling Nokia flagship to date, packed into an aluminum encasing of amazing. Slimming off those big blocky corners but also sacrificing some apparent battery life, built in inductive charging, and internal memory. This is one of my first choices for current model phones. Best of all this bad boy can be had for only a dollar.
Second we have the current heavy weight, the Lumia 1020. I’ve heard this is a mixed bag with it’s awesome camera that is completely unparalleled but also give up your battery life, and have heard some issues with random reboots. I’m trusting you readership folks with confirmation one way or the other on these issues. This and it’s general heft are my reservations from the 925. Also the processor performance seems to be very similar between the two. I’m pretty sure I could deal with the size of this phone but I’m worried about battery. People are reporting this guy is only coming in at around 12 hours with moderate use. I’m a heavy user, a very heavy user. If gigabytes were people then insert unsavory joke about killing lots of people and probably Stalin. Hitler works just as well but I feel like he hogs all of the genocide jokes. It’s not fair. Stalin was just as much a go getter and he deserves his proverbial immortalization in killing too many people jokes. Enough of that. So 1020? What do you think? Chairman Mao.
Third on this list would be the rumor mill. I have become aware, and by that I mean have stalked news sites day and night in the kind of way that even if you had a fetish for being stalked through dark alleys you would still be uncomfortable, of what seems to be the rumored Lumia 930 or the slightly more classy but still kind of rapey/James Bond-esque Martini. Now if things go down as they’ve been assumed to go down, we’re looking at a 4.5″ quad-core phone, which already elevates it beyond anything else that’s been released on ATT so far, with their 20mp pure view offering. This isn’t the 1020 point and shoot slayer, however who the hell needs that? I could do very well beyond just fine with the pure view set up that graces the Icon on Verizon. Being able to rack up 32gb of storage definitely makes this more attractive than the 925, but it is also rumored to share all that aluminum awesome that the 925 wears so well.
So really this is a shakedown for the readers to tell me what’s up with these phones that I have only held and drooled on a little bit, along with one I and most likely none of you have touched either. Sound off and let me know the shortcomings. Tell me all the awful terrible stories of the 925 doing something very poorly or at least nit pick it to death. Tell me about that one time the 1020 ran out of battery life too soon and then beat your wife and stole your credit cards. If after all these terrible stories of sluggishness, battery failings, poor workmanship, spousal abuse, and identity theft fail to deter me from the one true phone for me then I know it will be worth it. Guide me oh mobility digest readership! Give me your earthy wisdom so that I may avoid disregard for all logic and go for the shiny thing with the most numbers of other stuff
I picked up a 1020 for my wife – in large part because of that awesome camera. The bulk bothers her a little bit, but she always has a great camera with her (when she remembers her phone at least) and she takes a lot of pics of the kids and things going on around them. It works well for us and the storage is decent for a camera phone. Do I wish you could add storage? Of course, especially for a phone designed to take high quality pictures. Other than that, it’s been great (and she hasn’t run out of space yet so it’s not that bad). I’m in the same place you are and waiting to see what’s next. With 8.1 right around the corner and new devices likely to be announced, I can wait just a little longer to get a decent device instead of buying another 900-esque device like last time. :-/
If you don’t have any issue with bigger phone, get 1520 and you wont regret your choice. Or get 1020 like I did and I like it totally. or wait until build and you will see something better coming out until then shell out $60 and get a 520. I see a lot of people using 520 as backup phone. In my case I use 920 as backup to my 1020. 😀
Benn pretty happy with my iPhone since 2010.. just sayin’
The 1020 has been really nice to me. I did have a couple random reboots after I installed the Nokia folders app, but none before or since they pushed their app update. Compared to my 900, very, very stable.
Regarding battery, definitely better than my 900. Typically average 2-3% per hour on standby, with 12-14 background tasks, 7 mail accounts, and everything else turned on. With the screen on, browsing, reading, typing and viewing, about 10-12% per hour. Almost always enough juice to get me through a 16-17 hour day, with 20% to spare. With a wireless shell attached, I can give my 1020 a quick boost as the office (if I am going out somewhere and may want some extra juice) or when I get home, without much effort. In fact, since two weeks after launch, I have not plugged this phone into a charger. And I can count on two hands how many times I have plugged into a PC.
It is larger than my 900, and the wireless shell adds a few more mm, but it’s certainly not unmanageable. I take a fair amount of photos but reserve the really hi res setting for special shots. I have dropped it twice now (last night again) from about 3ft onto a tile floor. Aside from the wireless shell popping off, it remains unmarked.
Ultimately the choice is yours. I highly recommend wireless charging (damn AT&T for there alternative) so I would make sure I could add a Qi charging sled to any choice, as I believe Qi will wind up winning the wireless war. Otherwise, all your options are probably good. Any new offering is going to be a early adopter thing, as it typically take 1-3 months to get real feedback on a new phone (reviewers are generally useless regarding performance, battery life, etc.).
I paid full price for the 1020, and my upgrade is due the same day as yours, but I will be in no hurry to replace this beauty. Its going to take something very special to do that. The 1020 offers me everything I need or want. And 8.1 will just make it better.
I was so desperate for an upgrade I bought 2 devices, Nokia 1520, and Nexus 5, with the intention of switching back and forth.
Turns out the 1520 is my daily driver, and the Nexus 5 stays home.
I use the N5 mostly to follow my bank account, and pay my bills, I call it my wallet.
The 1520 is outstanding for surfing, gaming, and entertainment.
Hope you enjoy whatever you choose.
Had a 920; after I dropped it and shattered the screen I got a Samsung Galaxy S4. I LOVE it! I bought and loaded a 64 GB SD card. I have all my music library along with some movies and books galore. This thing is soo practical & don’t know if you know (little sarcasm) but Android has a plethora of Apps! The camera is great & removable battery is fantastic for swapping dead – batteries while traveling.
I do miss the beautiful WinMo GUI!
I jumped ship when I dropped my lumia 920 (brick) and it shattered to pieces.