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Now this is even more interesting–Google Glass banned from Google Shareholder’s Annual Meeting

Yes, you heard it right. Last time in my rant about Google Glass here on I said some of the business already banned Google Glass from their premise even before it was released into the wild. Now it is hilarious that the mother ship of Google Glass banned it from Annual Shareholder’s meeting. Yahoo! Finance quotes the instructions to Google shareholders for their Thursday’s 2013 annual meeting says “Cameras, recording devices, and other electronic devices, such as smart phones, will not be permitted at the meeting. Photography is prohibited at the meeting.”


Few of my Googliar friends wont accept that Google Glass would kill the privacy and they bring this stupid reason saying you could film anything in the public places, while that is true, when I am filming I am focused to filming, not driving and filming.



I think there will be even more businesses and public places that would ban Google Glasses once it is mass released.

Source: Yahoo! Finance