Mistakes happen. That is a universal certainty and I’m really not one for conspiracy theories so I’ll just count this as a human mistake. The mistakes aren’t just
<strong>Doug Simmons</strong>: Microsoft just lowered its minimum tablet res to 1024x768, which breaks W8’s “snap view” capabilities, in a pathetic attempt to get some OEM love.
<strong>Matt Anderson</strong>: I've
Seems 4channers and WMPowerusers are reading from the same playbook today. Both groups are manipulating two high-profile polls triumphantly; yet while, to me, one is sort of funny,
These days it seems netbook cases do double duty as tablet cases as well. When you’re searching for a tablet case you’ll notice netbook cases come up in
With a set release date for September 17th, Rockstar Games is without doubt pulling together a master piece with Grand Theft Auto V. As the world waits as
Hahahahahahaha! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Bill has figured out a great formula in his golden years: make fun of himself. Hats off to ya, Bill!!
We caught wind of Bungie’s newest project a few weeks back, now they’re releasing some new screen shots and a video centered around character development in the game.