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Windows Phone 7 To Get Dedicated Mobile Game Studio

Thanks to our buddies over at  1800PocketPC we get an update on how strong the push for Xbox Live and mobile gaming will be on Windows Phone 7.

With rival platforms Android and Apple ratcheting up their gaming prowess (cough, Apples Game Center, cough) immediately after Microsoft announced that Xbox Live integration was one of the cornerstones of Windows Phone 7 you will be happy to know that Microsoft is devoting even more resources to the upcoming mobile gaming war.  Think of it as Windows Phone 7 is getting the equivalent of a beefed up National Defense Budget in a time of war.  Microsoft has announced that not only have they managed to get premium gaming studios to develop for Windows Phone 7 they have created a division within Microsoft Game Studios to deliver premium gaming titles to the Windows Phone 7 platform.  Its called MGS Mobile Gaming.

By creating a mobile game studio Microsoft has made it clear they aren’t just giving lip service to bringing the power of Xbox Live to the phone.  Expect to see the first premium gaming titles for Windows Phone 7 at this month’s Gamecon.  I’ll be waiting and watching with excitement and anticipation, how about you?  Will MGS Mobile Gaming push Windows Phone 7 to the top?  Will premium franchises become the norm going forward?  What are you, the reader, looking forward to the most to come out of Xbox Live integration and MGS Mobile Gaming?  Sound off in the comments!


Source: 1800PocketPC