Windows Phone, as a platform, was always intended to be a universal experience regardless of device and manufacturer. Of course, you could make it your own with hardware,
File this under rumor, but Neowin is reporting that both Verizon and Sprint will announce Windows Phones in January. Now Paul Thurrott already dropped a hint on VZ
Wow…so so sweet. Here’s Windows Phone OS running on a 1280×800 tablet in an emulator. The shocking thing is that the OS doesn’t resize. It shows you more.
Back in May we told you that thanks to Silverlight, Windows Phones would be able to easily get enhanced movies that are essentially inline with what you’d expect
The movie School of Rock was just released for Windows Phone in an enhanced version for $10. Check this out: Experience "School of Rock" like never before with
Windows Phone 7 sells itself. Really, everyone that touches one in person gets it. So MS has to be able to advertise that experience. And they’re finally doing