Don’t believe the great white hype! You know, the white noise that interferences with clarity. As Sherlock Holmes so awesomely put “life is far more interesting than
Browsing the latest Windows Phone releases and noticed a new game called Crescer from Game Production Studios. What’s striking about it is the level of polish to a
Now that the tech-savvy of us can disable dehydration for faster resume times, the question becomes should you? What are the negative effects? And what happens when you
I have been having issues with the Live Tile functionality of several apps recently and while I don’t have any answers I do have a suspicion. BTW, these
Having played around with developing for Microsoft’s platform, I found it to be a mostly pleasant experience. I did however, come across a few issues that, if remedied,
It’s not exactly the best news Windows Phone users are looking for right now, but those looking for the famed “NoDo” update can stop compulsively checking Zune for
Pinball sounds pretty mundane but Pinball League: The Juggler is definitely worth downloading the trial. Graphically everything pops, it’s smooth as anything and the 3D effects are top