One thing that irks me is when something that’s been known for months reemerges as ‘news’ and travels throughout the blogosphere likes it’s a new revelation. It’s not
Youmail is a full featured voicemail replacement service. They offer notifications via email text or the now available MagikMail. I’ve been using Youmail for years, and I am
If you’ve been a hard core Zune user from the beginning, you would have become depended on certain features surrounding the echo system. Having the Zune card available
If you’re unlocked (either dev unlocked or through Chevron) you can now enjoy custom ringtones. it actually creates a custom XAP with 5 custom ringtones that you select
We have the makings of a nice, time exhausting game to make whatever commute, errand run, field trip bearable. Gaston #1 Superball adds the bounce theme and goes
All of you anticipating the Dell Venue Pro and its 4.1 inch screen of goodness can breathe again. On its website Dell has the gorgeous device listed for