Microsoft confirms Silverlight 6 in a Windows 8 binary
|Yesterday Windows 8 code was revealed to have “IsAppEarlierThanWindowsPhone8” code and today “TargetsAtLeast_ Silverlight _v6”. Of course, Silverlight v6 doesn’t exist and its place in Windows 8 is unknown. It’s not even embedded in the browser like Flash (and you’re forced to the desktop IE and installing the plugin).
to be continued…
via JoseJose Fajardo
Now where are Mary Jo and Paul Thurrott, both claimed Microsoft is killing Silverlight.
Here is what Paull Cooed about Silverlight support in Win8.
Is it true? About Silverlight 6..
Note that Paull Cooed article was in 2010 and that the above is about Silverlight 6 in Windows 8, not just the phone side of things.
Get a life!!!!
I want to know too, is it true? About Silverlight 6..