This week in “carries who know how to piss off Microsoft fans.” So what seems like years after sprint pushed out their Arrive, Verizon’s Trophy is showing its
Microsoft recently has filed a lawsuit against Barnes & Noble (B&N) for the Nook & Nook Color’s usage of Android. This action came after several attempts by Microsoft
In response to a streak of especially baseless anti-Windows Phone rants my man sm0k3y, a fervent, outspoken WP enthusiast, offered to lend me a Surround and I said
We already have a Yellow Pages app but now there’s an official one from (or – both redirect). Here’s the official description: Need a cup of
The Windows Phone Developer Newsletter was just distributed by Microsoft and in it they state that a feature of Mango is “support of real time communication and messaging”.
Infinite Flight has just been unleashed into the Marketplace and it’s a full featured flight simulator and judging from the screenshots it’s a serious contender. Here’s their description:
Nielson has some new figures about the desirability of various mobile operating systems. Interestingly, when asked what smartphone people were intending to buy, Windows Phones were picked 7%