Man those guys at Xbox360Digest just can’t stop giving games away. This time it’s Hydrophobia and since you can enter every day…get to it! The full details are
We’ve mentioned that MS is triaging WP7 Marketplace. So they sent out a round of emails to some developers giving them firm dates that they could submit apps
Esquire is now available in iTunes for the iPad. From watching their demo (below) you can see this isn’t just a digital version of their magazine. They’ve filled
Got FiOS? Got Android, Windows Mobile 6.5 or a Blackberry device? Well Verizon has released FiOS on Demand that lets you buy, rent and watch “Flex View” movies
You probably know that Monday is THE day that Microsoft is going to announce the consumer availability of Windows Phone 7 and we expect to have confirmation of
Well we know that Microsoft execs (including Ballmer) met with Adobe execs (including their CEO). What did they discuss? According to the NY Times the focus was Apple
Cnet interviewed VZ’s #2 executive, Lowell McAdam. What did he have to say about Windows Phone 7? Here it is, verbatim: What about Microsoft Windows Mobile 7 phones?