According to sources the card up Microsoft’s sleeve is that the update will be coming much sooner than anyone ever thought possible. The Mango update is believed to
Everyone is waiting with anticipation for Microsoft’s VIP Mango preview. Sure there will be other sites live blogging from the event but our coverage is different. How different?
Officially, this stands as a rumor (until tomorrow), but Neowin has received information that the Windows Phone “Mango” SDK will be available to developers in full tomorrow. This
Steve Ballmer was busy over the weekend at the Japanese Microsoft Developer Forum 2011 and buried in his presentation was a comment he made about the next version
So last night someone decides to randomly spam my phone by calling and texting me repeatedly at ungodly hours of the night. This prompts me, being the vindictive
Verizon will not only be in AT&T’s iPhone game starting May 26th, but will also start eating away at market share with their first Windows Phone offering, the
WordlLink Free is available for Windows Phones in the Marketplace. This comes from GlowPuff who is one of my favorite developers (Zombie Circus and Gridrunner Girl to name